As we prepare to reopen our doors for retail and takeaway on April 12th and then to let all you lovely people come and play games inside on May 17th, we have to ask ourself, what will the new normal look like? Well I am aiming for as little change to the usual as possible but with a few awesome improvements.
From April 12th we will be welcoming you back to The People’s Meeple to get your caffeine fix with out locally roasted coffee beans from Huddersfield’s Bean Brothers. We will also be introducing some new home-made baked treats to tantalise your tastebuds with alongside a reduced menu available for takeaway but all of it will be made fresh to order. We have also increased our range of boardgames that you can buy and play at home from easy quick games to classics to games that are a little more challenging.

Then from May 17th we will be welcoming you back through our doors with the same restrictions we had in place before the last lockdown. That being groups of 6 or less from the same household or social bubble and all socially distanced. If you are wanting to book tables from that date then keep an eye out for the times that we will be opening.
We are very very very much looking forward to welcoming you through the doors and getting back to what we love…. playing games, drinking and eating and usually in that order. Your welcome to come join us and help us build on what we already started before the world decided it was time that every had a forced sit down inside and think about everything. I have thought and I have concluded that I much prefer it when you are all coming and playing games and drinking coffee or tea or some lovely beers.
We look forward to much much more of that as there are a pile of new games thats I have not had the chance to play yet….. and i’m very much missing my coffee 🙂
Ric your friendly neighbuorhood meeple